The Secret Weapon That All Happy People Have Up Their Sleeve

The Secret Weapon That All Happy People Have Up Their Sleeve

Photo by Luis Graterol on Unsplash

Life punishes some but rewards others.

Some have effortless joy and a life filled with positivity and good luck — everything goes their way.

And then there are the others whose life is a constant uphill grind. Things constantly go wrong, and they’re plagued with bad luck.

But the only thing separating these two people is a simple belief they hold.

How else do you explain the:

  • people who’re happy despite a life full of pain and suffering, and
  • people who’re miserable despite having it easy?

I want to walk you through the mindset that all happy people have chosen — one that has transformed my life and helped me reach a place I thought was impossible.

Here’s how to choose to be happy.

The rainy day

It was a beautiful morning in a beach town called Badgerton.

The sun shone, birds sang, and a nice ocean breeze wafted through the town.

Neighbours, Kelly and Sandy, had both been planning to head down to the water all week. And it was the perfect day for it.

Suddenly, a dark cloud engulfed the town — and buckets of rain soaked their plans.

Kelly was miserable. After a rough week, she’d been looking forward to letting off some steam — laying on the beach, getting a tan and dipping into the salty water.

“My car broke down, I’ve had a long week at work, and now this?! My life is just filled with bad luck.”

She sat on the couch and wallowed in her sadness.

Meanwhile, Sandy next door was in a similar boat — but had taken a slightly different approach.

Instead, she viewed it as if the world conspired in her favour.

“My car broke down — but maybe if it hadn’t, I would’ve crashed — how lucky! And after a long week at work, the rain has allowed me to stay inside and rest → and plus, my garden will be watered!”

Two people with the same situation, but with a different outcome.

  • One is now in a hole of self-pity and will bring negative energy to the world.
  • The other is snuggled up with snacks and movies with a smile and will exude a positive ray of charisma to society.

Things are the way you believe them to be

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

— Wayne Dyer

If you believe the universe is out to get you, it will be so.

But if you believe the universe conspires in your favour, it will be so.


Because you live your life through your mind. It’s the vessel through which you interpret and experience life.

Your thoughts are the only truth there is.

This is why people say it’s good luck when bird poo lands on your shoulder — because if you believe it’s good luck, you’ll approach the day with a positive energy. And when you bring a positive energy to everything you encounter, you foster “good luck”.

But that good luck is the result of bringing positivity to every experience, choosing to see the glass as half full — of course you’ll have “good luck”.

The world reciprocates what you put out:

  • Buy a sandwich with sour energy and you’ll get one that’s been there all day.
  • Buy a sandwich with a big smile on your face and they’ll make you the best sandwich you’ve ever had.

The world is a mirror.

This newsletter shares wisdom to change your life by only changing your thoughts :~)

Making the change — choosing to believe the world conspires for you

“Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor.”

— Rumi

Challenge yourself to choose this mindset in even the smallest parts of your day.

Don’t get frustrated when you miss the bus.

View it from the lens of:

I missed the bus, the universe has granted me a moment to sit and breathe and think. To take a break. To relax for a second and collect myself.

Because when you think it, then it is so.

When you adopt this mindset, you start to see many moments in your life working in your favour (even if it’s not so).

Because even if the universe isn’t actually conspiring in your favour, if you believe it is, then it is!

What more is reality than what you truly believe?

You’ll become more positive about your life, and life will reward you for that.

The goal is not to have millions of dollars, hundreds of friends or luxury cars.

It’s to protect your positivity.

To let nothing get you down.

Because if you’re constantly joyful and happy, you will impact the world in a positive way.

You’ll be a better person, you’ll do better work and your joy will be contagious.

Thank you for reading!

I’m Eren and I use stories from experiences in my life to explain self-improvement — and how you can change your life but just changing your thoughts.

Do you have any experiences where you chose positivity and were rewarded? Let me hear it.

PS. If you subscribe to the free weekly newsletter, you’ll get my 8 spell-like reminders to say to yourself to snap out of frustration, anxiety and stress, in the welcome email.

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Brisbane, Australia