Live Like the Main Character, or Fail to Live at All

Live Like the Main Character, or Fail to Live at All

Photo by Richard Ciraulo / Unsplash

Romanticising your life for maximum purpose, meaning and joy

There’s a dangerous idea circulating throughout society. 

If misinterpreted, it’ll drag you down into a nihilistic and absent way of life. 

  • You’ll have no motivation. 
  • You’ll wake up and feel like there’s no point. 
  • You’ll accept your fate as just another useless being.  

But this same idea viewed from the right lens will create a world that conspires for you: 

  • You’ll be filled with passion. 
  • You’ll wake up excited for each day. 
  • A never-ending supply of motivation and life purpose will fuel you. 

So make sure you’re on the right side of the fence. 

Together, let’s explore possibly the most important decision you can make about your approach life. 

Main character syndrome —what is it, and why is it dangerous when misunderstood?

Main Character Syndrome
A psychological disposition where individuals perceive themselves as the central protagonist in their own lives. (
Social Psychology, 2023

This ‘main character’ idea is mostly used to put you down. 

“You’re not the main character, dude.”

Or in other words: “Sit down and shut up.” 

The problem is, you’ve started to talk to yourself this way… 

  • I’m just another person.
  • I shouldn’t stand out or be too loud. 
  • Simple me couldn’t possibly do anything great. 
  • What’s the point of even trying? 

And that’s the root of nihilism. The feeling that your life is meaningless — that you’re just a speck in this infinitely large universe. 


And when you believe you’re not important:

  • your decisions are now irrelevant
  • your actions are now irrelevant 
  • your life is now irrelevant 

And that’s when the problems begin. 

Because if your decisions, actions and life are irrelevant, you have no purpose — it doesn’t make a difference whether you’re here or not. Which is unfortunately exactly what we hear from those who are suicidal: 

What difference does it make if I’m here or not? Nobody will miss me.  

Please, think about this question for a second before you continue reading: 

Would you like your child, or little sibling, to feel like they’re irrelevant? 

Would you like them to believe their life is useless — that any decision they make is irrelevant? 

So why do you suppress yourself, and act like you’re not the main character? 

Why YOU ARE the main character 

“Your playing small does not serve the world. 
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. 
We are all meant to shine, as children do.” 
— Marianne Williamson

My baby sister is 15 this year. 

And when I watch her figuring her way out through life, I want her to BELIEVE she is the main character. 

Because I want her to be passionate about her life. To care about what happens, who she comes in contact with and who she influences in her life. 

Nobody lived a good life by believing they were useless. 

Believing you’re the main character does two things: 

  1. It gives you a sense of duty and fills you with purpose.
    It puts some importance on the one life that you have. 
    It gives you responsibility for the people in your life, and the projects you’re a part of. 
    It reminds you that you can change the world — that your actions can contribute to the human race.
  2. It romanticises your life.
    It makes you believe your story is fascinating! 
    It reminds you how special your friends and family are — the characters in your story. 
    It brings to light the fact that you’ve experienced a unique series of events throughout your life — priceless knowledge and information. 

And it’s not just a silly belief. 

It’s the truth. 

You walk around and experience your life through your two eyes, how else would you describe your role in your version of life? 

You’re not the one main character in the world, but you’re certainly the main character of your own life. 

And it’s important to recognise that — to give a bit of texture to your only opportunity.

The dangers of being the main character

Now, there are a few extremities you have to be aware of before you commit to this way of life:

1. The hero’s journey is never smooth
Just because you’re the main character, doesn’t mean things will always work in your favour — quite the contrary. 

You’ll face trials and tribulations, and people will try to tear you down — just like what happens to the main character in stories. 

But remember, it always works out in the end due to the hero’s courage and persistence. 

2. Other characters matter too
Just because you’re the main character, doesn’t mean others aren’t important. 

This is a crucial one many people get wrong. They think being the main character means being the centre of the universe, being the only person, whose life matters. 

But this isn’t so because everyone is the main character relative to themselves. 

3. Taking life too seriously
Make sure you don’t get too caught up in it all. 

You will have trivial problems that seem like the main plot of the world, but they’re just trivial problems. 

As important as your life is, and as seriously as you should take it, always remember that things will pass, and everything will be alright in the end.

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” 
— Psalms 30:5 

Sometimes you just need a sleep :)  

Choose to live as the main character, or fail to truly live 

“You are the sky. Everything else — it’s just the weather.” 
— Pema Chödrön

Choose to live a life where things matter, where your story matters.

Because if you don’t believe you can change the world, you’ll never take steps to do so — you’ll wallow in self-pity forever. 

But if you believe your life does matter, and that you can have a real impact on humanity, then you’ll have the motivation and passion to do something with your life. 

A life of depth and meaning can only be achieved through belief, so it’s critical you protect passion for life, and don’t let anyone squash it. 

If they tell you’re not that important, or that you’re not the main character, remember that that’s exactly what the villain in your story would say!

So start today. 

Believe you are the main character — because you are. 

This is the chance you’ve been given — don’t disrespect it by believing you’re not that important. 

Honour it, and cash in the most valuable opportunity you’ll ever get. 

Live your life with purpose and joy. 

Change your life, and change the world. 

Thank you for reading!

I’m Eren and I use stories from experiences in my life to explain self-improvement — and how you can change your life by just changing your thoughts.

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eren elsewhere

eren elsewhere

Brisbane, Australia